Integrate Newentor Wireless Pool Thermometer 433MHZ into Home Assistant using ESP32, CC1101, and OpenMQTTGateway.

| | Allgemein, Programmierung

In this blog post, I will show you how I integrated my pool radio sensor into Home Assistant. I used an ESP32 and a CC1101 radio module for this. If you also want to monitor your pool, this guide is perfect for you.

Required Components

  1. Pool Radio Sensor[*]
  2. ESP32[*]
  3. CC1101 Radio Module / 433MHZ[*]
  4. OpenMQTTGateway
  5. Home Assistant with MQTT Integration

Step 1: Set Up Hardware

Connect ESP32 and CC1101

Connect the CC1101 radio module to the ESP32. The pins should be connected as follows:

CC1101 Pinout

CC1101 Pinout ESP32 — Please check your specific controller pin out!

Step 2: Install OpenMQTTGateway

Download the latest version of OpenMQTTGateway and install it on your ESP32. You can use the Arduino IDE or PlatformIO for this. Detailed steps can be found in the OpenMQTTGateway documentation.

I installed it directly via the web interface –>

Afterwards, you can connect via WiFi and configure everything.

Step 3: Set Up MQTT Broker

You can use any MQTT broker you prefer. Popular choices are Mosquitto or EMQX.

Step 5: Set Up Home Assistant

MQTT Integration

Add the MQTT integration to your Home Assistant. Go to the configuration interface of Home Assistant and select „Integrations“ > „MQTT“ > „Configure“.

Afterwards, the new sensor should be automatically detected.


With these steps, you have successfully integrated your pool radio sensor into Home Assistant. You can now monitor the temperature of your pool at any time and react accordingly. Have fun tinkering and monitoring!

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